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May I do it?
Yes, of course you can do it. Kendo is practiced by thousands of people, men, women, kids, young guys and adults of all ages. You just need a sport medical certificate, good will and diligence.
How long does it last?
Beginners course usually lasts about 6 months. At the end of this period you will regularly join the senior course.
What do I need?
To start our courses you do not need anything else than a t-shirt, jogging pants and a lot of enthusiasm.
How much does it cost?
Annual fee is 300 euro + CIK fee registration, including room rental, assistance from one or more instructors and basic insurance. Beginner course lasts 5 months (190 euro + CIK fee). Free trial lesson.
Practice times and location
Among blossoms the cherry blossom, among men, the warrior.
The dojo is situated in Milan at Canottieri Olona 1894, Alzaia Naviglio Grande 146. Practice times are:
- monday (beginners) from 21:00 to 22:30
- tuesday (advanced) from 21:00 to 22:30
- thursday (beginners and advanced) from 20:30 to 22:30.



